About City Impact:
San Francisco City Impact ministers to the 28,000 residents of the Tenderloin through its Hospitality Hub serving groceries, hot meals & Gospel message, Design Lab (giving away new clothing by appointment), City Academy K-8 private Christian school, and City Kids after school program.
About our serve week together:
This local serve week is open to middle school and high school students to join for either the whole week or just the days you're available.
Our group of volunteers will get to serve and support a variety of City Impact’s ministries. Serving may include cooking food in a commercial kitchen, packing hot meals to go, hanging and organizing new clothing donations, assisting teachers with school prep, playing with kids after school and/or giving out food and praying with residents during street ministry (led by a City Impact staff member who grew up in the Tenderloin and knows the area well).
Our team would stay together at a home in Alamo and travel into the city together to serve, returning each evening.
Overview of week's schedule:
Monday night: gather, team kickoff and stay together
Tuesday - Thursday: serve days in SF, returning each evening
Friday: group reflection & fun day nearby
Click the button below to learn more and register to join us!
Students are asked to pay just $25/day in order to help cover the cost of transportation and meals, but we’re raising money together to cover the full cost of our week and to give to City Impact to bless their ministry. If you’d like to give in support of what God is doing through this week and at City Impact, you can do so here. God bless you and may He multiply these gifts!
Select “Youth Serve Week” as the Fund when giving online. Or you can mail a check to the church with memo “Student Mission Trip.”
“If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother… Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” Deuteronomy 15:7, 10